Memory phrase for the character: 陈



to exhibit, to display, old, stale




Left: hill 阝, right: east 东 (=東 The sun 日 rises behind a tree 木 in the east.)


If a hill is exhibited in the east, it will be an old-stale exhibit.


hillThis radical shows a hill. This radical 阝 is always on the left of the hanzi. (Please note that this relatively similar radical ⻏ stands for “village” and is in the character always on the right.)
eastIn this radical, the sun rises 日 behind a tree 木 in the east. The radical has been simplified to 东. In some characters, such as 拣, there is an additional short horizontal line. For reasons of simplicity, this is nevertheless also understood as "east".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


陈毅 Chén yì  Chen Yi (1901-1972), communist general and politician, Marshal of PLA from 1955, Mayor of Shanghai in 1950s, PRC foreign minister 1958-1972
陈述 chén shù  an assertion; to declare; to state
新陈代谢 xīn chén dài xiè  metabolism (biology); the new replaces the old (idiom)
陈仲琳 Chén Zhòng lín  Xu Zhonglin or Xu Zhonglin Ming novelist
敷陈 fū chén  to give an orderly account; a thorough narrative
陈恭尹 Chén Gōng yǐn  Chen Gongyin (1631-1700), early Qing dynasty poet
陈炯明 Chén Jiǒng míng  Chen Jiongming (1878-1933), a leading warlord of Guangdong faction, defeated in 1925 and fled to Hong Kong
陈奕迅 Chén Yì xùn  Eason Chan (1974-), Hong Kong pop singer and actor
陈忱 Chén Chén  Chen Chen (1613-1670), novelist and poet
陈忱 Chén Chén  

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