Memory phrase for the character: 闸



gear, brake, sluice, electric switch




Outside: gate 门/門, inside: armor, shield 甲 (The seedling丨 cracks its shell/husk 田)


(It can be open or closed) The gate is like a switchable shielding, switchable just like: the gear of a gearbox.


gateSimplified from 門, which shows a gate with two wings.
armor, shellIn the seedling, the root shoot 丨 bursts the armor/shell 田 (= 甲) - (And this gives the sprout丨 a reason 由.)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


闸门 zhá mén  a sluicegate
水闸 shuǐ zhá  sluice; water gate; waterlocks; floodgate; lock; dam
船闸 chuán zhá  a canal lock
船闸 chuán zhá  

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