Memory phrase for the character: 违



to disobey, to violate, to separate, to go against




Left: movement 辶, right: leather 韦 (Two layers 二 are separated with special sword 刀 to make leather.)


(Cutting is destructive:) If two parts 二 are cut apart with the movement 辶 of the sword 刀 is disobedient.


movementIn some cases this radical 廴 is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
soft leatheruntanned leather: The raw leather is spliced in two 二 layers with a longer blade丨 of a sword 刀 - The radical 革 stands for tanned leather. The radical 皮 is used for skin.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


违反 wéi fǎn  to violate (a law)
违背 wéi bèi  to violate; to be contrary to
违法 wéi fǎ  illegal; to break the law
违悖 wéi bèi  to transgress; to violate (the rules)
违拗 wéi ào  to disobey; to defy; deliberately going against (rule, convention, sb's wishes etc)
违拗 wéi ào  

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