Memory phrase for the character: 这



this, these, present, now


zhè, zhèi


Left: movement 辶, right: text/language 文 (Image of a folding table for writing a text.)


In languages you have movements (= changes): Also in this.


movementIn some cases this radical 廴 is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
script, culture
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


这个 zhè ge  this; this one
这麽 zhè me  so much; this much; this way; like this
这般 zhè bān  like this; this way
这样吧 zhè yàng ba  Let's do it like this.
这儿 zhèr  here
这么 zhè me  so much; this much; how much?; this way; like this
这种 zhè zhǒng  this; this kind of; this sort of; this type of
这里 zhè lǐ  here; her
这些 zhè xiē  these
这样 zhè yàng  this kind of; so; this way; like this; such
唠这扯那 láo zhè chě nà  to talk about nothing in particular (idiom)
唠这扯那 láo zhè chě nà  

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