Memory phrase for the character: 迄



as yet, until now, to date



Left: movement 辶, right: to beg 乞 (There lies a disadvantaged [from the second 乙=二 class of society] and begs. [ = lying person 人]


The movements of the beggars refer to the: "until now" or the "as yet".


movementIn some cases this radical 廴 is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
to begTop: horizontal person , below: odd/fine/grade B/2nd 乙 (There lies an oddly nice but second rated beggar.)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


迄今 qì jīn  so far; to date; until now
迄今为止 qì jīn wéi zhǐ  so far; up to now; still (not)
起迄 qǐ qì  start and end (dates); origin and destination
起迄 qǐ qì  

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