Memory phrase for the character: 蜀



larva, caterpillar, abbr. for Sichuan 四川




Top: net 罒 (cf. net 网), bottom: enwrap 勹 and insect 虫


It has a 'net' for enwrapping. This insect is: the larva.


netsometimes simplified to 罒.
insectThe body 口 and the sting ム of an insect. Also this radical 昆 is understood as insect.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


玉蜀黍 yù shǔ shǔ  corn
蜀汉 Shǔ Hàn  Shu Han (c. 200-263), Liu Bei's kingdom in Sichuan during the Three Kingdoms, claiming legitimacy as successor of Han
蜀锦 shǔ jǐn  brocade from Sichuan
蜀犬吠日 shǔ quǎn fèi rì  lit. Sichuan dogs bark at the sun (idiom); fig. a simpleton will marvel at even the most universal known.; alludes to the Sichan foggy weather where it's uncommon to see a sunny day
蜀葵 shǔ kuí  hollyhock
蜀葵 shǔ kuí  

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