Memory phrase for the character: 羁



bridle, halter, to restrain, to detain, to lodge, inn



Top: net 罒/网, bottom: leather 革 (Horned 廿 animals have a skin 口 of leather.), horse 马/馬


The 'net' made of leather for the horse is: the bridle.


netsometimes simplified to 罒.
untanned leatherA horned 廿 animal seen from above with a backbone 丨 and broad hips 一 has a skin 囗 of leather around its torso. - Also these radicals 皮 and 韦 stand for leather.
horseSimplified from 馬, which is the image of a running horse with the mane in the wind, four legs 灬 and a tail.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


羁绊 jī bàn  trammels; fetters; yoke; to restrain; to hinder; restraint
羁押 jī yā  detention; imprisonment
非羁押性 fēi jī yā xìng  noncustodial (sentence)
非羁押性 fēi jī yā xìng  

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