Memory phrase for the Kanji: 绣



to embroider, embroidery




Left: thread 纟/糸, right: outstanding 秀 (Grain plants 禾 as big as a pregnancy belly 乃 are: outstanding!)


Threads are outstanding in: an embroidery.


threadIt has in its upper part the radical "short thread" 幺.
excellent, outstandingA rice plant 禾 as plump as a pregnant belly 乃 is excellent. (乃 is considered a pregnancy belly because it is used in pregnent 怀孕 [huái yùn] where a child comes out of it).
thereforeShows a pregnancy belly in a side view - The meaning of this radical is based on 孕 (yùn), which means: "pregnancy". It is read such that the child 子 comes out of the womb 乃.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


锦绣前程 jǐn xiù qián chéng  a bright future; a rosy future; brilliant prospects
绣花 xiù huā  to embroider; to do embroidery
刺绣 cì xiù  to embroider; embroidery
绣帷 xiù wéi  tapestry
绣帷 xiù wéi  

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