Memory phrase for the character: 笋



bamboo shoot




Top: bamboo 竹, below: 尹 (hand with a stick but here: with a seedling that is planted)


Bamboo is planted by hand with seedlings to become a sprout.


hand with stickShows a hand with a stick ノ and is often used for “ruling”. For “beating 攴”, this stick 卜 in this hand 又 is used and simplified to 攵.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


雨后春笋 yǔ hòu chūn sǔn  lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth; many new things emerge in rapid succession
芦笋 lú sǔn  asparagus
莴笋 wō sǔn  Chinese lettuce; celtuce; asparagus lettuce; celery lettuce; stem lettuce
莴笋 wō sǔn  

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