Memory phrase for the character: 碌



to employ, hire, to roll, record, write down



Left: stone 石, right: diary, record 录 ("squeeze out" = part of green 绿, where plant-fibers 糸 are squeezed by hand 彐 and green 绿 liquid 水 drips out.)


A stone can be "squeezed" until it rolls, which is its employment.


stoneShows a variation of cliff 厂 with a stone 囗 below.
squeeze outThe hanzi 录 has the meaning: to keep a record/to transcribe, but is used as a radical with the meaning “to squeeze out”, as this shows a hand 彐 squeezing out a liquid 水.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


忙碌 máng lù  busy; bustling
骨碌碌 gǔ lù lù  (onomat.) rolling around; spinning; also spoken pr. [gu3 lu1 lu1]
骨碌碌 gǔ lù lù  (onomat.) rolling around; spinning; also spoken pr. [gu3 lu1 lu1]
骨碌碌 gǔ lù lù  
骨碌碌 gǔ lù lù  

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