Memory phrase for the Kanji: 盼



to expect, to hope for, to long for




Left: eye 目, right: to divide 分 (... with the sword 刀 in 8 八 pieces)


(Before dividing you plan with your eyes) The eye has the cutting beforehand 'expected'.


eyeImage of an eye with a central pupil 口.
divideTo divide in eight 八 parts with a swords 刀.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


盼望 pàn wàng  to hope for; to look forward to
顾盼自雄 gù pàn zì xióng  to strut about feeling complacent (idiom)
翘盼 qiáo pàn  to long for; eager for
盼睐 pàn lài  your favors; your consideration
盼睐 pàn lài  

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