Memory phrase for the Kanji: 烤



to roast, to bake, to broil




Left: fire 火, right: to check, verify 考 (From the ground 土 with a stick ノ the seaweed 丂 is checked.)


The fire (=its temperature) should be checked before roasting.


fireAlso this radical 灬 stands for fire.
to check, to verify
old man
winding seaweed
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


烘烤 hōng kǎo  to roast; to bake
烤烟 kǎo yān  flue-cured tobacco
烤火 kǎo huǒ  to warm oneself at a fire
烤火 kǎo huǒ  

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