Memory phrase for the character: 桨



paddle, oar




Top: bed 丬(here: simplification of fragment 爿 cf. 片) and evening 夕 (here: image of a paddle), bottom: tree 木


A (whittled) fragment, that looks like a paddle 夕, and is made of wood: the paddle.


bedSimplification of fragment: 爿 which shows a tree split lengthwise. (片 is the other half) - Not at least because of its use with these characters 寐,寝 for 'sleep', it got the meaning of "bed".
eveningThis radical is similar to moon: 月, but at the evening the moon is not complete and thus only one inner line.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


螺旋桨 luó xuán jiǎng  propeller
螺桨毂 luó jiǎng gū  propeller hub
螺桨 luó jiǎng  propeller
螺桨 luó jiǎng  

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