Memory phrase for the Kanji: 机



machine, engine, opportunity



Left: tree 木, right: table 几 (cf. ordinary: 凡)


This tree turns into a table by use of a machine.


small tableA similar radical is ordinary: 凡, which shows this table with a scratch. Sometimes this radical is seen as a sail. It is at the right side of composed characters. Also this radical is understood as a table.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


碾米机 niǎn mǐ jī  rice milling machine
契机 qì jī  an opportunity; a turning point
歼击机 jiān jī jī  fighter plane
机翼 jī yì  wing (of aircraft)
乘机 chéng jī  to seize the chance; opportunistic
机床 jī chuáng  machine tool; a lathe
卷扬机 juǎn yáng jī  a capstan
机枪 jī qiāng  machine gun
压缩机 yā suō jī  compactor; compressor
升降机 shēng jiàng jī  aerial work platform (e.g. cherry picker or scissor lift); lift; elevator
机舱 jī cāng  cabin of a plane
机舱 jī cāng  

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