Memory phrase for the Kanji: 悔



regret, remorse, repentance




Left: feeling 忄, right: each/every 每 (every person 人 = has a mother 母) [母 = woman 女 with emphasized, swollen bosom : when breast-feeding]


A feeling that everyone has (at times) is regret.


each, everyThe same meaning has 各
motherShows 'woman' 女 with an elongated right stroke ノ and with two dots : which are the swollen breasts of a nursing (breast-feeding) mother.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


后悔 hòu huǐ  to regret; to repent
悔恨 huǐ hèn  remorse; repentance
悔改 huǐ gǎi  repent; repentance
忏悔 chàn huǐ  to confess; to repent; remorse; repentance; penitent; confession (Buddhism)
懊悔 ào huǐ  to feel remorse; to repent; to regret
懊悔 ào huǐ  

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