Memory phrase for the character: 契



to carve, carved words, a contract, agreement



Top: tally stick , (pairwise marked sticks were distributed at the conclusion and joined again after implementation of an agreement), sword 刀, below: big 大


Cut into a tally stick with a sword in big letters: the contract.


to carve, contract
growing plantShows a growing plant 丨 with three 三 branches. When a leaf ノ is added, it becomes life 生.
knife, swordvariations are: blade 刃 and 刅
big, huge
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


契丹 Qì dān  Qidan; Khitan; ethnic group in ancient China, a branch of the Eastern Hu people inhabiting the valley of the Xar Murun River in the upper reaches of the Liaohe River
契机 qì jī  an opportunity; a turning point
默契 mò qì  to understand tacitly; secret agreement; implicit recognition
默契 mò qì  

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