Memory phrase for the character: 奂







Shows the image of woman giving birth - Better recognizable in the traditional character 奐 with: head ⺈, two breasts ハ and widely spread legs 人


A birth is excellent.


excellentSimplified from 奐 which shows a woman giving birth with her head ⺈, the chest with 内 with emphasized breasts and spread legs 大.
big, huge
center, middleA big 大 person with a yoke 冂 that is central. Accordingly, this 夬 is understood as an "incomplete center".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


美轮美奂 měi lún měi huàn  splendid and magnificent houses (idiom); a sumptuous mansion
美轮美奂 měi lún měi huàn  

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