Memory phrase for the Kanji: 失



to lose, to miss, to fail




Top left: accent ノ (for emphasis), rest: husband 夫 (The big 大 person with the extra-caring arms 一 is the husband.)


I emphasize: the husband will lose.


to lose, to fail
husbandThe big 大 person with the extra 一 caring arms. (Further radicals with „person“ are: sitting 匕, sitting cross-legged 夂, lying , kneeling ⺈, skilled才, bending マ,卩 or slumped 㔾 person)
dotIn many languages (such as French), short strokes are used above the letters to express an emphasis. This stroke 丶 is used in the mnemonics accordingly.
bent strokeemphasis, accent
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


失去 shī qù  to lose
损失 sǔn shī  loss; damage; to lose; to damage
消失 xiāo shī  to disappear; to fade away
丧失 sàng shī  to lose; to forfeit
失业 shī yè  unemployment
失踪 shī zōng  missing; lost; unaccounted for
丢失 diū shī  to lose; lost
失眠 shī mián  (suffer from) insomnia
惆怅若失 chóu chàng ruò shī  to feel despondent (idiom)
惆怅若失 chóu chàng ruò shī  

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