Memory phrase for the character: 嚏






Left: mouth 口, right: fall, stumble 疐 (Person 十 falling from a roof 冖 into a field 田, but correctly 正/疋)


Out of the 'mouth' is falling sth., when sneezing.


mouth, openingThis is a small square. If it is bigger: 囗, it is an enclosure.
bolt of clothDon't mistake with correct: 正
correctRadical 103 疋 stands for clothing or bales of cloth. In the Hanzi-Trainer, it is used synonymously with the correct 正, because it seems helpful for the explanations and the interpretation clothing/cloth bale would be in conflict with other radicals.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


喷嚏 pēn tì  sneeze
阿嚏 ā tì  onomat. atchoo!; to sneeze
打嚏喷 dǎ tì pen  to sneeze
打嚏喷 dǎ tì pen  

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