Memory phrase for the Kanji: 侵



to invade, to encroach, to infringe, to approach




Left: person 人, right: variant of broom 帚 (hand holding a broom)[cf. to return 归, which was traditionally: 帰]


A person came to you (= where your broom is) and: invaded.


personA standing person with spread legs.
Hand with broomThe hand 彐 at the broom 冖/巾 sweeps.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


侵略者 qīn lüè zhě  aggressors; invaders
侵入 qīn rù  to make (military) incursions; to invade; to intrude into; to trespass; to gain unauthorized access (computing)
入侵 rù qīn  to invade
侵略 qīn lüè  invasion; encroachment
侵占 qīn zhàn  to invade and occupy (territory)
侵犯 qīn fàn  to infringe on; to encroach on; to violate
侵蚀 qīn shí  to erode; to corrode
侵吞 qīn tūn  to annex; to swallow (up); to embezzle
侵吞 qīn tūn  

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