affrettare, affrettarsi, camminare velocemente, tendenza to hasten, to hurry, to walk fast, tendency
A sinistra: camminare/andare 走 (sulla terra 土 piedi 足 devono camminare.), a destra: falciare l'erba 刍 (qui: affrettarsi 急 [La persona piegata ⺈ tiene con la mano 彐 al cuore 心 perché aveva fretta]. Left: to walk/go 走 (On earth 土 feet 足 have to walk.), right: mowing grass 刍 (here: hurry 急 [The bent person ⺈ holds with the hand 彐 at the heart 心 because he was in a hurry.]
Camminare di fretta significa: affrettarsi. Walking in a hurry means: to hasten.
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