Memory phrase for the character: 鼻






From top: self 自, 畀 (rice field 田, plant 艹)


(because of hay fever) I myself in a field with plants (= hay) and it itches in my nose.


selfThe Radical shows an eye 目 and has an emphasis ノ to express that the own person is meant.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


鼻子 bí zi  nose
蹬鼻子上脸 dēng bí zi shàng liǎn  lit. to climb all over sb; fig. to take advantage of sb's weakness
鼻屎 bí shǐ  snot; nasal mucus
嗤之以鼻 chī zhī yǐ bí  to look down upon; to treat with contempt (idiom)
鼻涕 bí tì  nasal mucus; snivel
鼻窦炎 bí dòu yán  sinusitis
鼻烟壶 bí yān hú  snuff bottle
鹅銮鼻 É luán bí  Cape Eluanpi or Eluanbi, southernmost point of Taiwan Island
鼻咽癌 bí yān ái  cancers of the nose and throat; Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma NPC (medical)
鼻箫 bí xiāo  nose flute
鼻箫 bí xiāo  

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