Memory phrase for the character: 鼎



pot, ancient cooking cauldron on legs




Picture or a cooking pot 目 with legs. Please note that the lower parts are practically the fragments 爿 and 片 of a vertically split tree. (爿 is often simplified to: 丬, with the meaning: "bed").


bedSimplification of fragment: 爿 which shows a tree split lengthwise. (片 is the other half) - Not at least because of its use with these characters 寐,寝 for 'sleep', it got the meaning of "bed".
sliced woodIn characters is this radical always at the left.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


鼎立 dǐng lì  lit. to stand like the three legs of a tripod; tripartite confrontation or balance of forces
鼎盛 dǐng shèng  flourishing; at its peak; a golden age
鼎鼎大名 dǐng dǐng dà míng  famous; celebrated
鼎鼎大名 dǐng dǐng dà míng  famous; celebrated
鼎峙 dǐng zhì  a tripartite balance; compromise between three rivals
鼎峙 dǐng zhì  

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