Memory phrase for the character: 驿




post horse, relay station



Left: horse 马/馬, right: variation of vertical 圣, but here: two different hands: 又 and 扌=手


(Here the riders changed horses.) A horse comes from one hand to another at: the relay station.


horseSimplified from 馬, which is the image of a running horse with the mane in the wind, four legs 灬 and a tail.
verticalShows a hand 又 vertically above ground/earth 土. It has also the meaning "holy" from a hand over an object when blessing it.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


驿站 yì zhàn  relay station for post horses
驿站 yì zhàn  
驿马 yì mǎ  post horse
驿马 yì mǎ  

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