Memory phrase for the character: 饿




to be hungry, hungry




Left: eat 饣/食, right: I,myself 我 (In my hand 手 a halberd 戈 and I am: me/myself.)


I eat myself, when I am hungry.


eat, foodA person 人 needs something good 良 to eat, whereby the two bottom lines can perhaps also be seen as chopsticks.
I, me, my
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


饥饿 jī è  hunger; starvation; famine
饿莩遍野 è piǎo biàn yě  starving people everywhere (idiom); a state of famine
饿莩载道 è piǎo zài dào  starved corpses fill the roads (idiom); state of famine
挨饿 ái è  to go hungry; to endure starvation; famished
挨饿 ái è  

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