Memory phrase for the character: 酋



tribal chief




Top: out of 丷, bottom: wine jug 酉


Who distributes out of the wine jug, is the tribal chief.


coming outThis component is often understood as "something coming out".
wine, alcohol
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


酋长 qiú zhǎng  headman (of primitive people); tribal chief; used as translation for foreign leaders, e.g. Indian Rajah or Arab Sheik or Emir
酋长国 qiú zhǎng guó  Emirate; Sheikdom; used as translation for country under a chief
阿联酋长国 ā lián qiú zhǎng guó  United Arab Emirates
阿联酋长国 ā lián qiú zhǎng guó  

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