Memory phrase for the Kanji: 那



that, those, then (in that case)


nǎ, nà, nèi, nā


Left: double-二-edged sword 刀, right: village⻏


A double-edged sword the village: What's that?


that, those
villageThis radical is always at the right side of the hanzi and means "village". Please note the difference to this radical 阝, which means "hill" and is always at the left side of the character.
knife, swordvariations are: blade 刃 and 刅
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


那个 nà ge  that one; also pr. [nei4 ge5]
唠这扯那 láo zhè chě nà  to talk about nothing in particular (idiom)
民答那峨海 Mín dā nà é Hǎi  Mindanao Sea
民答那峨海 Mín dā nà é Hǎi  
刹那 chà nà  an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye
那边 nà bian  over there; yonder
那儿 nàr  there
那种 nà zhǒng  that; that kind of; that sort of; that type of
那里 nà li  there; that place
那样 nà yàng  that kind; that sort
那些 nà xiē  those
那些 nà xiē  

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