Memory phrase for the character: 边



side, edge, margin, border, simultaneously




Left: movement 辶, right: power 力


When sb. moves (pushes) with force, it's best to step aside.


movementIn some cases this radical 廴 is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
power, forcevariations are: 为 or: to act 办.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


一边 yī biān  one side; either side; on the one hand; on the other hand; doing while
外边 wài bian  outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home
边疆 biān jiāng  border area; borderland; frontier; frontier region
斜边 xié biān  sloping side; hypotenuse (of a right-angled triangle)
六边形 liù biān xíng  hexagon
边厢 biān xiāng  side; side-room; room in the wings
靖边县 Jìng biān xiàn  Jingbian county
靖边 Jìng biān  Jingbian county
边裔 biān yì  remote area; distant marches
边裔 biān yì  
右边 yòu bian  right side; right, to the right
右边 yòu bian  

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