Memory phrase for the Kanji: 辫



to plait, a braid or queue




Twice: bitter, sharp 辛 (tattoo needle), middle thread 纟/糸


If two sharp threads stick out, they can be plaited.


bitter, hot(picture of a needle for tattoo)
threadIt has in its upper part the radical "short thread" 幺.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


翘辫子 qiào biàn zi  to die; lit. the executioner raises one's queue; to kick the bucket
辫子 biàn zi  plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle
发辫 fà biàn  braid
麻花辫 má huā biàn  braided pigtail
剃发留辫 tì fà liú biàn  to shave the head but keep the queue
剃发留辫 tì fà liú biàn  

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