Memory phrase for the character: 褂



coat, jacket, gown, ensheath




Left: clothes 衤/衣, right: trigram 卦 (twice earth 圭 as fortune telling 卜 in trigram)


Clothes in fortune telling can ensheath as a coat.


piled earthTwo times earth 土 on top of each other stands for piled-up earth. (Standing alone it has the meaning: jade sceptre)
oracle, mysticismThis radical is considered to be a simplification of: fortune telling 占 (crack 卜 in the shell 口 of a turtle from which the fortune was told.). Sometimes it is read as a forking of a road.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


马褂 mǎ guà  buttoned mandarin jacket of the Qing dynasty
马褂 mǎ guà  

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