Memory phrase for the Kanji: 螺



spiral shell, screw thread, spiral




Left: insect 虫, right: tired, exhausted 累 (If the fields are long 田 as threads 糸, they will exhaust us)


It comes from the insect and repeats until exhaustion: the helix of the spiral shell.


insectThe body 口 and the sting ム of an insect. Also this radical 昆 is understood as insect.
threadIt has in its upper part the radical "short thread" 幺.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


螺丝 luó sī  screw
鹦鹉螺 yīng wǔ luó  nautilus; ammonite (fossil spiral shell)
螺拴 luó shuān  bolt
螺桨 luó jiǎng  propeller
螺桨毂 luó jiǎng gū  propeller hub
螺旋桨 luó xuán jiǎng  propeller
螺栓 luó shuān  bolt (male component of nut and bolt); screw
螺丝钉 luó sī dīng  screw
螺钉 luó dīng  screw
陀螺 tuó luó  gyroscope; spinning top
螺旋 luó xuán  spiral; helix; screw
螺旋 luó xuán  

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