Memory phrase for the character: 簸



to winnow, dust pan, toss (as waves)


bǒ, bò


Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: 其 (image of a grain shovel/scoop (tool for threshing), skin 皮 (A hand 又 with a knife 丨 peels off the skin 厂)


Made of bamboo is the grain shovel for separating the "skins" (of the grain) when winnowing.


grain shovel/scoopWith a grain scoop 其 (tool for threshing), grain was rhythmically [thus used in period 期] thrown up to shed the grain from the husk. (cf. to winnow 簸)
skinFor 'leather' the radicals 革 and 韦 are used.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


颠簸 diān bǒ  to shake; to jolt; to bump
簸箕 bò jī  dustpan; winnowing fan; loop (of a fingerprint)
簸荡 bǒ dàng  roll; rock
簸荡 bǒ dàng  

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