Memory phrase for the character: 笛






Top: bamboo 竹, below: reason 由 (.. for the field with a sprouting plant), here: 由 as a flute | with hands E ヨ at the sides.


Bamboo is used for this flute.


reason, causeFirst, the root shoot 丨 bursts its shell 田 (cf. armor, shield 甲). And this gives the sprout丨 on the field 田 its reason 由.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


笛子 dí zi  bamboo flute
笛膜 dí mó  membrane which covers a hole in a flute and produces a buzzing tone
笛膜 dí mó  
笛膜 dí mó  

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