Memory phrase for the character: 看



to watch, to guard, to look at, to consider


kān, kàn


Top: hand 手, below: eye 目 (cf.观)


The hand shades the eye when watching.


handImage of a hand with fingers sticking out
eyeImage of an eye with a central pupil 口.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


看来 kàn lai  apparently; it seems that
眼看 yǎn kàn  soon; in a moment
看做 kàn zuò  regard as; look upon as
参看 cān kàn  see also; please refer to; confer (cf.); to consult for reference
看作 kàn zuò  look upon as; regard as
看成 kàn chéng  to regard as
看看 kàn kan  to take a look at; to examine; to survey; (coll.) pretty soon
看看 kàn kan  to take a look at; to examine; to survey; (coll.) pretty soon
看见 kàn jiàn  to see; to catch sight of
看法 kàn fǎ  way of looking at a thing; view; opinion
看出 kàn chū  to make out; to see
看出 kàn chū  

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