Memory phrase for the character: 眉



eyebrow, upper margin




Top: var. of butt in side view 尸, below: eye 目. Here better:


An eye framed by an eyebrow.


eyebrowImage of an eyebrow 尸 above the eye 目.
buttocks in side viewThis radical has actually the meaning: corpse 尸. But due to its use in tail 尾, urine 尿, or flatulence 屁, it is considered to generally mean 'buttocks'.
eyeImage of an eye with a central pupil 口.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


眉头 méi tóu  brows
频眉蹙额 pín méi cù é  worried and unhappy (idiom)
迫在眉睫 pò zài méi jié  pressing in on one's eyelashes (idiom); imminent
蛾眉皓齿 é méi hào chǐ  beautiful eyebrow and white teeth (idiom); lovely young woman
眉梢 méi shāo  tip of brow
眉黛 méi dài  eyebrows (with umber black make-up)
皱眉 zhòu méi  to frown; to knit one's brow
黑眉蝮蛇 hēi méi fù shé  Snake island viper (Gloydius shedaoensis), feeding on migrating birds
黑眉蝮蛇 hēi méi fù shé  
眉毛 méi mao  eyebrow
蹙眉 cù méi  to frown
蹙眉 cù méi  

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