Memory phrase for the character: 眈



gaze intently




Left: eye 目, right: 冘 (big 大 person with broken arms 冖 and a broken leg 乚)


The eye sees the person with broken arms and leg and: stares at him.


eyeImage of an eye with a central pupil 口.
broken arms and legsonly one broken leg at 尢
lighting rodThe use of this component is not consistent. From the character for electricity 电 comes the meaning "lightning rod". Also other explanations are used such as "hook" or "kneeling person".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


虎视眈眈 hǔ shì dān dān  to glare like a tiger watching his prey (idiom); to eye covetously
虎视眈眈 hǔ shì dān dān  to glare like a tiger watching his prey (idiom); to eye covetously
虎视眈眈 hǔ shì dān dān  

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