Memory phrase for the character: 皱



to wrinkle, folding, to crease, frown




Left: mowing grass 刍 (handle ⺈ of a big scythe 彐), right: skin 皮 (A hand 又 with a knife 丨 peels off the skin 厂)


When sb. with a scythe in the hand peels of the skin, he causes wrinkles.


mowing grass
skinFor 'leather' the radicals 革 and 韦 are used.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


皱纹 zhòu wén  wrinkle
皱眉 zhòu méi  to frown; to knit one's brow
皱褶 zhòu zhě  creased; wrinkled; fold; crease
褶皱 zhě zhòu  crease; folding; geological fold
褶皱山脉 zhě zhòu shān mài  fold mountain range (geology)
褶皱山脉 zhě zhòu shān mài  

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