Memory phrase for the character: 皖



abbr. for Anhui 安徽 province




Left: white 白 (The shine ノ of the sun 日 makes it white), right: finished/complete: 完 (A roof 宀 needs an origin 元 (= groundwork, seating) to be finished and complete. [Origin: 元 =two 二 legs 儿]


In white and finished: the Anhui province


whiteIn strong sunshine, you are blinded by the brightness. Such that: The rays 丶 of the sun 日 make everything: white.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


直皖战争 Zhí Wǎn zhàn zhēng  war of 1920 between Northern Warlords, in which the Zhili faction beat the Anhui faction and took over the Beijing government
皖系军阀 Wǎn xì jūn fá  Anhui faction of Northern Warlords 1911-c.1929
皖系军阀 Wǎn xì jūn fá  
皖系军阀 Wǎn xì jūn fá  

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