Memory phrase for the character: 状



accusation, suit, state, condition, great




Left: bed 丬 (simplified 爿 from tree cut in half, cf.片), right: dog 犬 (The big 大 man holds in his arms: a dog 丶)


In the bed a dog? It will be accused.


bedSimplification of fragment: 爿 which shows a tree split lengthwise. (片 is the other half) - Not at least because of its use with these characters 寐,寝 for 'sleep', it got the meaning of "bed".
dogShows a big 大 person with with outspread arms who holds a small dog 丶
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


形状 xíng zhuàng  form; shape
状况 zhuàng kuàng  condition; state; situation
状态 zhuàng tài  state of affairs; state; mode; situation
症状 zhèng zhuàng  symptom (of an illness)
块状 kuài zhuàng  lump
鹰状星云 Yīng zhuàng xīng yún  Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16
甲状腺功能亢进 jiǎ zhuàng xiàn gōng néng kàng jìn  hyperthyroidism
睫状体 jié zhuàng tǐ  ciliary body (in the eye, containing the focusing muscles)
阴道棕榈状壁 yīn dào zōng lǘ zhuàng bì  palmate folds of cervical canal; plicae palmatae canalis cervicis uteri
阴道棕榈状壁 yīn dào zōng lǘ zhuàng bì  

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