Memory phrase for the character: 烂



rotten, soft, mushy, well-cooked, decompose, chaotic




Left: fire 火, right: orchid 兰 (three 三 petals)


The fire turns the orchid into: soft and rotten.


fireAlso this radical 灬 stands for fire.
orchid, lily magnoliabackbone-less sheep 羊
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


腐烂 fǔ làn  to rot; to become gangrenous
灿烂 càn làn  to glitter; brilliant; splendid
破烂 pò làn  ragged
贪多嚼不烂 tān duō jiáo bù làn  to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)
绚烂 xuàn làn  splendid; gorgeous; dazzling
烂崽 làn zǎi  rogue; rowdy; unreliable chap
糜烂 mí làn  dissipated
糜烂性毒剂 mí làn xìng dú jì  vesicant
糜烂性毒剂 mí làn xìng dú jì  

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