Memory phrase for the Kanji: 毓



(archaic) to give birth to a child, to rear



Left: every 每 (Every person 人 = has a mother 母.), right: 㐬 ("newborn baby" as a child turned upside down : the child 子 comes with head first, with amniotic fluid 川)


Every mother with the newborn stands for: giving birth.


each, everyThe same meaning has 各
motherShows 'woman' 女 with an elongated right stroke ノ and with two dots : which are the swollen breasts of a nursing (breast-feeding) mother.
new born babyChild 子 turned upside down: the child comes with head first), below: water/amniotic fluid 川.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


孙毓棠 Sūn Yù táng  Sun Yutang (1911-1985), historian and poet, studied in Tokyo, Oxford and Harvard
孙毓棠 Sūn Yù táng  

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