Memory phrase for the Kanji: 歌



song, to sing



Left: elder brother 哥 (2x possible 可 - [The nail 丁 into the opening 口 should be possible.]), right: lack/deficiency 欠 (A yawning person 人 is lacking sth.)


There is a double possibility that there is a deficiency in your: singing.


be possible
lack, yawnLike a person 人 who tears his mouth wide open when yawning and seems to have a lack (of good manners).
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


歌声 gē shēng  singing voice; fig. original voice of a poet
歌唱 gē chàng  to sing
歌曲 gē qǔ  song
歌颂 gē sòng  sing the praises of; extol; eulogize
歌谣 gē yáo  folksong; ballad; nursery rhyme
歌谣 gē yáo  
引吭高歌 yǐn háng gāo gē  to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)
歌咏 gē yǒng  singing
秧歌 yāng ge  Yangge, a popular rural folk dance
秧歌 yāng ge  

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