Memory phrase for the character: 本



roots or stems of plants, book, origin




A tree 木 with roots 一


The tree comes out of the roots as origin and becomes a book.


root (of plants), origin
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


基本上 jī běn shang  basically; on the whole
本地 běn dì  local; this locality
本领 běn lǐng  skill; ability; capability
课本 kè běn  textbook
叔本华 Shū běn huá  Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German post-Kantian philosopher
本届 běn jiè  current; this year
本溪 Běn xī  Benxi prefecture level city in Liaoning province in northeast China
抄本 chāo běn  handwritten copy
本垒 běn lěi  home base; home plate (in baseball)
本性 běn xìng  natural instincts; nature; inherent quality
本人 běn rén  the person himself; I (humble form used in speeches); oneself; myself; in person; personal
本人 běn rén  

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