Memory phrase for the character: 敬



to respect, to venerate, to salute, to offer




Left: thoughtless 苟 (Using plants 艹 for wrapping 勹 a present 口 is thoughtless.) cf: sentence 句, right: strike 攵/攴 [hand 又 with a stick 卜]


When a plant speaks a sentence 句 and has a stick in the hand, it is respected.


to respectto venerate, to salute, to offer
grass, plantGrass or a rapid growing plant in general. It shows two plants growing through the ground, and is a simple variation of 艸.
rap, strikeShows originally a hand 又 with a whip 卜. It is usually simplified to 攵. Other radicals with a hand are: 又寸廾爫手扌彐右及尹君聿隶兼殳
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


尊敬 zūn jìng  respect; to revere
虔敬 qián jìng  reverent
孝敬 xiào jìng  to show filial respect; to give presents (to one's elders or superiors); to support one's aged parents
恭敬 gōng jìng  deferential; respectful
恭敬 gōng jìng  
恭敬 gōng jìng  
恭敬 gōng jìng  
恭敬 gōng jìng  
致敬 zhì jìng  to greet; to pay respects to
敬爱 jìng ài  respect and love
敬爱 jìng ài  
敬爱 jìng ài  

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