Memory phrase for the Kanji: 拦



obstruct, to block sb's path, hinder




Left: hand 扌, right: orchid 兰 (three 三 petals)


The hand is for a backless sheep 羊 an obstruction.


handSimplification of this hand 手
orchid, lily magnoliabackbone-less sheep 羊
sheepImage of a sheep from above with horns 丷 backbone 丨 and wool 三 extending to the sides.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


拦网 lán wǎng  to intercept at the net (volleyball, tennis etc); to block
拦住 lán zhù  to stop; to bar the way
阻拦 zǔ lán  to stop; to obstruct
阻拦 zǔ lán  

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