Memory phrase for the character: 弹



bullet, shot, pluck (a string instrument), pellet, elastic


dàn, tán


Left: bow 弓, right: sole, single 单 (It shines 丷 the sun 日 in a group of ten 十 [with nine planets including Pluto] as the single one.)


The bow "singles" [=making it single] the bullet at the shot.


single, individual
coming outThis component is often understood as "something coming out".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


弹性 tán xìng  flexibility; elasticity (physics)
弹簧 tán huáng  spring
手榴弹 shǒu liú dàn  hand grenade
震眩弹 zhèn xuàn dàn  stun grenade
弹劾 tán hé  to accuse of misconduct (in official task); to impeach
弹簧秤 tán huáng chèng  spring balance
弹簧秤 tán huáng chèng  

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