Memory phrase for the character: 居



residence, to reside, live



Top: buttocks seen from the side 尸, below: old 古 (originally derived from the image of a skull, hence "old"; the idea of a burial mound is also helpful)


Where the buttocks becomes old, he has his residence.


buttocks in side viewThis radical has actually the meaning: corpse 尸. But due to its use in tail 尾, urine 尿, or flatulence 屁, it is considered to generally mean 'buttocks'.
ancient, old, formerOriginally derived from the picture of a skull, hence "old". But the idea of a burial mound is also helpful.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


居民 jū mín  resident; inhabitant
居住 jū zhù  to reside; to dwell; to live in a place; resident in
邻居 lín jū  neighbor; next door
邻居 lín jū  
邻居 lín jū  

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