Memory phrase for the character: 容



appearance, look, to hold, to contain




Top: roof 宀, below: valley 谷 (Shows a valley that opens into a plain 口)


The roofs in the valley determine the appearance.


appearance, look
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


内容 nèi róng  content; substance; details
内容 nèi róng  
容纳 róng nà  to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions)
容积 róng jī  volume; physical space taken up by an object
不容 bù róng  not tolerate; not allow; not brook; to not welcome
容易 róng yì  easy; likely; liable (to)
容器 róng qì  receptacle; vessel
容许 róng xǔ  permit; allow
容量 róng liàng  capacity; volume; quantitative (science)
电容 diàn róng  capacitance
电容器 diàn róng qì  capacitor
电容器 diàn róng qì  

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