Memory phrase for the character: 头



leader, chief, boss, the top, head


tóu, tou


Big 大 with two protruding eyes 丶丶


The big one with the protruding eyes is our leader and chief.


big, huge
head, leaderThe big 大 person with protruding staring eyes 丶丶 is the head and leader.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


汕头地区 Shàn tóu dì qū  Shantou prefecture, Guangdong
磕头 kē tóu  to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground)
老婆孩子热炕头 lǎo pó hái zi rè kàng tou  wife kids and a warm bed (common saying); the simple and good life; longa est vita si plena est; la dolce vita
头颅 tóu lú  head; skull
头昏目眩 tóu hūn mù xuàn  (idiom) to faint and see stars
头昏脑眩 tóu hūn nǎo xuàn  dizzying; it makes one's head spin
叩头 kòu tóu  to kowtow (traditional greeting)
叩头 kòu tóu  
叩头 kòu tóu  
斧头 fǔ tóu  ax; hatchet
嚼舌头 jiáo shé tóu  to gossip; to argue unnecessarily
嚼舌头 jiáo shé tóu  

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