Memory phrase for the character: 咕



mumble, mutter, murmur



Left: mouth 口, right: old 古 (originally: skull - better the image of a tomb stone)


A mouth that became old, can only: mumble.


mouth, openingThis is a small square. If it is bigger: 囗, it is an enclosure.
ancient, old, formerOriginally derived from the picture of a skull, hence "old". But the idea of a burial mound is also helpful.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


嘀咕 dí gu  to whisper
黑咕隆咚 hēi gu lōng dōng  pitch-black; pitch-dark
挤咕 jǐ gū  to wink at
呛咕 qiāng gu  to discuss (dialect)
呛咕 qiāng gu  

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